• 1. Protect your eyes

    We are familiar with the default white text editor in black text in MS Word. However, this bright white screen is very easy to make our eyes quickly tired and painful when working long with it.

    This in the long run will have very bad effects on your eyes and health. MS Word has a way to help you avoid the impact of this white background when working. This is to change the background color and the default font color from white background to black letters to blue background.

    You can do the following: go to Tools \ Options ..., select the General tab in the dialog box that appears and mark the blue ground, white text, and click OK. In this way, the editing screen becomes very pleasant while still ensuring the necessary contrast between the background and the text.

    Note: The text is still in black text.


    2. Fix the punctuation jumps with accented characters

    - When writing documents in accented language, Vietnamese is often used with Vietkey or Unikey typing. We often encounter punctuation marks that are leapfrogged, such as "asc or." .

    This error usually occurs after you use the copy, paste, or it can also be natural.

    To fix this, go to Tools \ Options ... from the MS Word editor interface, select the Edit tab and go to Settings. In the Settings dialog box, uncheck the "Adjust sentence andword spacing automatically" checkbox and click OK twice.
    Delete the password in Word-Excell

    When creating a text file using MS-Word or spreadsheet files using MS-Excel, we can secure by setting a password. After a while you may have forgotten your password, so how?

    Before you delete the password, you need to download Free Word and Excel password recovery software (FWEpr) to your computer.

    Download Link: Free Word and Excel password recovery
    After installation, proceed to restore the password in the following order:

    - Welcome Card: An overview of the program and website.

    - Select file: Click the Select a file button, point to the location of the word or excel file need to recover the password (note the word file has the extension .doc file and the excel file has the extension .xls, select choose File of Style.

    - Card Recovery: Used if we previously had a text file (* .txt) to remember the password of this file in a list of other passwords. You should check all four boxes in the Recovery options. Press the Select Dictionary button to point to the required txt or dic file. Click the Go button for the program to search for the appropriate password.

    - Brute force recovery card: Used when we do not have a password list in advance (application in the above case). Inside:

    + Frame Characters: Enables narrowing the search range when selected from 0-9 or the character a-z (can be uppercase or lowercase) and other special characters.

    The From (length) parameter specifies the number of possible characters in the password.
    Once done, click the Go button to proceed with the search. Short passwords, simply FWEpr search faster and vice versa.

    4. Quick action in text with common keyboard shortcuts.
     See the article here

    5. Customize text in Word

    Up to this point, Word Art is the only way you can swing horizontally, vertically or extensively. Try a different, easier and more functional than Word Art.

    First, you format the font including font, color, bold or italics and then black ... then press Ctrl + C. Then go to the Edit menu, select Paste Special. In the Paste Special category, choose Picturerial OK.

    At this point, the text is "rendered" in the form of a photo, and you can freely move, rotate, stretch ... In short, perform all the things that can be done with a photo ( image).

    6. "Holiday break" in PowerPoint

    In the midst of PowerPoint presentations, you need to pause a bit to discuss or discuss a new idea, or simply use less coffee to stay awake. Whatever the reason, you should also insert a special "slide" to signal to everyone that you are "off the hook". A simple trick to insert a blank slide in the blink of an eye is to press the B key for a black screen. Press W to get a white screen. To continue the "match" after halftime, pressing any key will return you to the original state. Too simple and convenient!

    7. Find Synonyms in Word

    You usually edit the text on Word and often use a word again. Instead of squeezing your mind to "change the air", use the help of MS Word. Perhaps you do not know MS Word has "thesaurus" dictionary for English, French and Spanish.

    To launch this function, go to Tools> Language menu. Or, if you want to use shortcuts, you can press Shift + F7 after highlighting the word you want to find synonyms. If you do not black out, MS Word will default to the word search located on the left of the mouse. The rest is yours, pick a word you like and then right click, select Insert to insert from the old.

    8. Capitalization for 2 seconds

    Shift + F3 is a familiar shortcut for you to change the case from lowercase to uppercase. However, Shift + F3 in turn converted from uppercase to lowercase and then uppercase. A keystroke can save you time by allowing you to move directly from flower to flower, and vice versa, Ctrl + Shift + A. To change a word, place your mouse pointer over it and press Ctrl + Shift + A while changing the whole phrase, you need to highlight the phrase and then press the key combination. Press Ctrl + Shift + A again to get back to the original text format.

    9. Disable the Insert key in MS Word

    As we all know, the use of the Insert key is to turn off the overwrite mode in Microsoft Word or similar word processing programs, but sometimes you use it. Why do not you disable the Insert key is always for "eyes free, light hand" nhỉ? You can do the following:

    - Open Word, go to Tools menu \ Macro \ Record New Macro.

    - In the Macro name, type DoNothing.

    - Press the Keyboard.

    - At the Press new shortcut key, press the Insert key. Insert will appear. Next, click on Anchor, click Close.

    - Back to the main dialog, a Stop Recording toolbar will appear. You must click Stop immediately.

    As such, you have created a macro that does "do nothing" for the Insert key. The next time you click Insert, it will do nothing.

    If you press the Insert key and it still does something, it means that during the macro creation, you did some extra work before hitting Stop. You must recreate this macro and remember to delete the macro you created by going to Tools \ Macro \ Macros, selecting the Macro you just created, and then clicking Delete.

    10. Calculate in MS Word

    In many cases, the user needs computation in his or her text. Knowing this, MS Word is equipped with a tool to divert the "gods," which is the field, which is used both in the table and in the text.

    - Calculation in Table: When you use Table \ Formula, you insert a calculation field. The calculation field begins with an equals sign. The way in which the formula (or function) works, as well as its address, is the same as in Excel.

    If you see the formula = SUM (LEFT) or = SUM (ABOVE), it's just as rocky as you copy or change the values ​​of cells, do not rush this formula only once and copy to Other locations are not available.

    In this case, select the formula field and press F9 to update its value. If you want Word to automatically update the fields when printing, go to the Tools menu and select the Print tab. Fields are not updated immediately, but each time you execute the Print command (or view with the Print Preview), Word will automatically do this for you.

    - Calculate on the text: You have a total of and its detailed terms scattered across the text. Since you often have to fine-tune the metrics, you want the totals to be updated automatically to avoid errors. First, you mark the details with the Bookmark command in the Insert menu. Then use the formula field to calculate the name of the bookmark.

    For example, we have 3 values ​​14500, 65000, 2450 with the bookmark names are solieu1, solieu2, solieu3, type the structure code as follows (first press Ctrl + F9 to have curly braces and type in inside):
    {= solieu1 + solieu2 + solieu3 \ # "## 0.00}. The result is 81950.00. Now, even if the details change, you do not have to worry about the number of digits, which will automatically update when you print. You can add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponentiate ... these bookmarks are as comfortable as in Excel.


    11. Compose a meeting invitation with MS Word 2000

    Are you wondering how to write a conference invitation letter (a meeting of a class)? Why do not you go to Word? MS Word 2000 gives you a "wizard" to do this.
    First, go to File \ New, select the Other Documents tab, select Agenda Wizard, click OK. The Agility Wizard dialog box appears, click Next. In this step, you choose one of the three styles that Word provides and click Next.
    In the Details section, type the date, time, name and location of the meeting, then click Next to continue.

    In the Headings section, check the two types of meeting and special notes, click Next.

    Via Names, check the first three entries and click Next.

    In the Topics section of the Agenda Topic, type in the name of the meeting. The Person frame, type in the number of participants, the Minutes frame, type the start time of the meeting, then click Add and then click Next.

    In Minutes, select No and then click Next, click Finish to finish.

    Wait a minute, Word will create you a letter. However, since this is a Microsoft product, the compilation is still in English. Detail:

    - Right-click on the word Agenda in the top left corner, select Edit Text and replace it with another letter.

    - Select the line in the next frame and replace with the start time

    15. Listen to Music CDs in Word

    Want to listen to music CDs while editing Word documents, this will help you more convenient while editing the text. It's easy with the CD plug-ins. This plug-in will integrate a CD player on Word and act as a Word accelerator. Enables your word processing beyond the quick launch feature, plus added entertainment.

    Acting as a CD Player on Word, this plug-ins is completely independent of other features.

    After installation, in addition to music enjoyment on the word, you also get more accelerated word accelerator. The speed of opening words is incredibly fast. Text processing speed is almost always improved. If you have a weak configuration, you can get help from these plug-ins while starting word. It's fast and totally convenient.

    This plug-in can be downloaded at http://www.amfsoftware.com/wwcd.exe

    Measured accurately

    A common difficulty when editing spreadsheets in Word is that you can not know the exact size of the cells and lines. Usually, when drawing a table, on the Ruler appear squares marked size but whether these squares are enough to you calculate the exact width of the column and row height?

    Everything will be solved if you just click on the tick box and hit the Alt key. It is great that the exact number indicates the size of the cells, the lines are clear before the eyes. Now adjusting a spreadsheet becomes too easy. If you do not find the ruler in the editor window, you can "drag" it by going to the View menu> select Ruler.

    17. Cunning is warm

    You have been "once in your life" feel uncomfortable because after editing the text, on the last page also "king" a few words. This wastes one more sheet of paper and, more importantly, makes the text less beautiful. Often we think of shrinking the font or "trimming" some words. To avoid wasting time, you should use the provided Microsoft Word functionality - Shrink toFit. To open this function, go to File> Print Preview or click the Print Preview button on the toolbar.

    When the Print Preview window opens, just go to the Shrink to Fit button and click on it. Immediately, Word will shrink the font size to fit the text to fit the page. This is why this trick is called "smart". If you encounter the error message of OfficeAssistant during the operation, you just need to click Save file and try again.

    18. Start over or continue?

    This is the trick involved in numbering lines - Bullets and Numbering that you often use while typing text. After you have numbered a long list, you create a new one. At this point, do you want Word to serialize the list or set up a new one? If the answer is "continue", it is simple, because the function was default in Word but what if you want to "set up" again? Just open the right menu and select Restart Numbering or Continue Numbering.

    But if you right click without seeing the choice? Be calm, go to menu> Bulleted and Numbering and then check Restart numbering or Continue previous list.


    19. Adjust the spell check function


    Those who usually write text in English would love the ability to check the grammar and spelling errors of Microsoft Word. You can go to the Tools menu> select Spelling and Grammar or faster, press F7 to start this function.

    But are you annoyed that you have to hit the Ignore key every time Word alerts the acronyms - words are made up of the first words of a group of words, eg NATO, ASEAN - not?

    Instead of typing words into Word dictionaries, you can save time by going to Tools> Options> Spelling & Grammar tab, clicking Ignore words inUPPERCASE. Do not forget to select OK to save the changes

    20. Rearrange segments quickly

    Want to reposition paragraphs in your text? To avoid dragging or dropping copy-paste use the following.
    Select the text where you want to change the position up or down, press and hold Shift-Alt and use the up or down arrow keys to adjust the position of the text.


    21. Track changes

    Do you have two identical text and you want to compare what they look like and where they differ? Instead of comparing lines by line, the following tips can help you do this quickly.
    If you already know how to use the Track changes feature in Word, it's handy. This feature will help you track and clearly record any changes in your text. To enable the Trackchanges feature, go to Tool | Track Changes or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-E.
    If you have not turned on Track changes before then how to find out the difference in the two texts here. Still have way, is still


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